The Market We’re A Part Of!

The Market We’re A Part Of!

Hey, world! 

We’re the AppleSeed Companies. 

We are a digital transition consultancy with the ultimate goal of helping successful companies factor digital transition into short-and long-term strategic decisions –a focus of innovation and high growth potential.

At AppleSeed, we work with promising companies and offer them unique combinations of strategic services including Digital Transition, Decentralized Finance, and Applied Blockchain Solutions.

Our belief is that digital transformation, decentralized finance, and applied blockchain solutions represent a long-term, global game-changer and present the opportunity for significant wealth creation across capital markets.

Sound interesting? 

Well, in addition to our innovative services, at the AppleSeed Companies, we are a part of a very unique market. 

The Market 

The market we are a part of is the Digital Transition Consultancy realm.  We plan to acquire innovation companies operating in the areas of Digital Transformation, Decentralized Finance, and Blockchain Solutions. 

Our blueprint is to acquire well-vetted technology and innovation companies. These companies have a high growth potential, strong management teams, a large addressable market, and offer unique products or services. 

When we work with the company, we work with them 100% of the way. 

We have a minimum of a 51% controlling interest in the companies that we acquire and expect that our management team, along with our other executives to actively operate the business for our company and our subsidiaries.

Our Growth and Potential 

That’s not all. 

The market we’re a part of has large amounts of growth and potential. The production and consumption of information is staggering with 2.5 quintillion bytes of data produced by humans… every day. (Source: Social Media Today). That’s 18 zeros in a quintillion by the way. 

The massive consumption of the state is being powered by more than 4.5 billion active Internet users around the world. That’s the same as 40% of the world going online. Our interpretation is this, The Internet is connected to Systems that produce newfound capabilities in the usage of data. 

Where We Step In

Our management team believes that connected technology such as big data, analytics, IT, and more are being driven by changing behaviors of consumers. This is what drives digital transformation. The keyword is digital. Digital is the main reason half of the companies on the Fortune 500 have disappeared since 2000. This explains why there’s been a $1.3 trillion spent on digital transformation technologies in 2018 (source IDC ).

At AppleSeed, we actively monitor the Blockchain and Decentralized Finance enterprise in the global markets. We are encouraged by the massive growth predicted in the coming years. For example, the market is expected to climb over $39 billion US dollars in just five years, 2025. That is over 60% of the technologies market value concentrated in just our field.

To break it down further, we believe these innovative disruptions will present wealth creation opportunities across capital markets. 

On top of that, our team believes that Digital Transition and Digital Finance solutions are soon to take over the global marketplace. 

More About Our Team Involvement 

If the astounding market growth and data is enough, our management team is full of experts on the matter.  This includes recent publications from the AppleSeed Companies directors, officers or advisers about Applied Blockchain solutions.

  1. Blockchain in Healthcare: Innovations that Empower Patients, Connect Professionals and Improve Care (HIMSS Book Series) 1st Edition (2019)

Dr. David Metcalf, Director, Dr. Max Hooper, CEO and Managing Director, A.J. Ripin, Chief Strategy Officer and Treasurer

* includes many other Authors/Contributors

  1. Blockchain Enabled Applications: Understand the Blockchain Ecosystem and How to Make it Work for You (1st Edition, 2019)

Dr. David Metcalf, Director, and Dr. Max Hooper, CEO and Managing Director

* includes many other Authors/Contributors

And that is just the start to a list that includes many other authors and contributors. 

Market Recap 

Digital Transformation is radically changing how organizations leverage their customer networks; by building sustainable platforms instead of only products, transforming data into assets, innovating rapid experimentation, and adapting value propositions. 

At AppleSeed Companies, we actively identify and pursue targets aligned with our business plan. We’re a part of the Digital Transition Consultancy Market. Our time is spent Acquiring Innovation Companies operating in the areas of Digital Transformation, Decentralized Finance, and Applied Blockchain Solutions. We plan to acquire 100%, or at a minimum a controlling interest in the companies that we acquire. In the future, we expect that our management team along with executives engaged by our management team to run our existing and new subsidiaries will actively operate the business of our company and our subsidiaries.

We anticipate our operating systems will be diverse, yet complementary to reduce industry risk. We expect and believe in our leadership team who acquired companies with the goal in place: to add value and accelerate their performance. Our mission is to create relationships and opportunities for companies and businesses to reach their full potential. Our goal is to generate capital appreciation by acquiring, building, and expanding while being a part of one of the highest and fastest growing markets.

Don’t go yet! 

Now that you have a better understanding of AppleSeed Companies, and the market sector we fall into, it is important to note that this is not an offer to buy or sell securities. However, be sure to follow us on Instagram,@appleseedcompanies , and Twitter, @appleseedco. Also, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on all things AppleSeed!

This is not an offer to buy or sell securities. 

AppleSeed Can Reinvent Businesses! Here's How We Do It!
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